Project Update: Culvert Replacement Underway…

By September 21, 2023Project Updates

Our resurfacing and culvert replacement project on Prospect Rd between Geddes Rd and M-153 in Superior Township has begun!  

Over the past few days, our crews have been able to perform forestry and drainage work throughout the project limits. Currently, our crews are excavating of the crossroad culvert under Prospect Rd, just south of Cherry Hill Rd. Next step is creating a stable base for the placement of the new culvert.  

The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will continue to maintain access only for residents who live, work, or own property within the closure limits. However, please be advised that NO traffic will be able to travel across the culvert location during replacement. 

WCRC will continue to send out updates as the project progresses. Have questions? Contact Mike Bernbeck, project manager, at (734) 327-6654, or via email at [email protected] 

Pictured is the culvert excavation that took place on Prospect Rd just south of Cherry Hill Rd in Superior Township.